Oct. 1: Plymouth Foundation Grant Deadline

Plymouth Church boards and committees are welcome to apply for a competitive grant from the Plymouth Church Foundation. The 2024 grant program consists of two funding cycles. The first round was offered this spring. The second round for this year’s grant applications is now open, with grant requests due no later than October 1.

Competitive grants provide funding opportunities for Plymouth boards and committees seeking support for programs and projects not currently in the church’s normal operating budget. The available funding is limited, with a remaining grant pool total of $10,000, and making an application is not a guarantee of funding. The Plymouth Foundation board of directors reviews all grant requests and determines which grants may receive funding.

Numerous Plymouth Church programs have benefited from the competitive grant program. Some of the past grants have supported the Welcoming Refugees program, displays in the art gallery, and upgrading audio-visual equipment.

More information about the grant program, including the competitive grant application, may be found here: 2024 Plymouth Foundation Grant Application

Learn more about Plymouth Foundation here.

Plymouth Foundation Update: New Members

The Foundation welcomes two new board members, Ted Oberlander and Brian Pattinson, and extends its thanks to past president Hallie Still-Caris and past treasurer Chris Sidwell for their years of service.  The board recently elected Spencer Cady, president, Dave Vaudt, vice president, Mickey Carlson, secretary and Ted Oberlander as treasurer.  Also serving on the board are Bob Burnett, Jan Burch, Nora Everett, Libby Jacobs, and Beech Turner.  Libby continues as Grant Committee Chairperson, and Nora will transition leadership of the Foundation’s Investment Committee to Brian Pattinson.

 The Foundation is excited to announce it has recently partnered with the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines to help manage the church foundation funds, and also help provide its expertise on ways the church can help its members financially support Plymouth Church and the Foundation. 


Oct. 1: Artist Invitation, Collaborative Exhibit in Plymouth Gallery


Oct. 3: Next Year in Jerusalem