Who We Are
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are always welcome here!
We are committed to being a community of many different perspectives united around a common purpose: growing in love of God, neighbor and creation. Plymouth Church is a part of the United Church of Christ.
We welcome everyone
We believe that the love of God extends to every person, regardless of race, gender, age, creed, class, orientation, or identity. When we set the table, everyone has a place. All are welcome here.
We don’t do dogma
At Plymouth Church, we believe lots of things about God, about Jesus, about the work God has for us to do together. We hold the tension between doubt and trust in the life of faith. We don’t claim to have all the answers; we’re living with meaningful questions.
We take the Bible seriously, not literally
The Bible is a beautiful and baffling book, comforting and confusing. At Plymouth, we read the Bible carefully in community. We wrestle with Scripture taking into account the history and background in which it was written.
We believe God is still speaking
God speaks in many ways, not only in Scripture and tradition, but also through science, art, history, and reason. We embrace what is sacred wherever we we discover it. We believe that the living God always reserves the right to surprise us. We believe that God is still speaking.
We are an LGBTQ+ Open & Affirming Congregation
Plymouth Church has been an LGBTQ+ Open and Affirming congregation for more than 30 years. We embrace diversity and affirm the dignity and worth of every person created in the image of God. We honor the guiding principle that discrimination is incompatible with Christ’s message of unconditional love. We welcome members and friends of Plymouth Church who self-identify as LGBTQ+ persons. All are welcome and we encourage you to participate in all aspects of Plymouth life and service.