Creative Arts
Chancel Arts and Visual Arts
Worship consists of many elements. The pastoral staff preaches. The choirs sing. And the Chancel Arts Committee brings it all alive visually! This group of creative artists works with fabric and a variety of materials to:
Design and create banners and other works on a grand scale to enhance the Sanctuary and highlight seasons of the church year.
Involve people of all ages and abilities in a fun, creative group.
Meet on an as-needed basis.
Contact Creative Arts Director Beth Ann Edwards to learn more about any of our programs.
This collective of people interested in the dramatic arts partner together in various iterations for dramatic presentations 1-3 times per year. We often make presentations “on script” to keep the commitment level manageable and allow more people the opportunity to participate. Spread your dramatic wings and join us!
Scripture Presentation Group
A collective of people who present scripture in worship through techniques such as Biblical Storytelling, choral readings / reader’s theater, and other dramatic forms. The purpose is to use dramatic techniques to breathe new life into the written word, to reconnect with scripture’s lengthy history of aural transmission.
Saturday Worship
A flexible arrangement of professional musicians, the “Saturday Night Band” leads Saturday Night Worship 52 Saturdays per year in Waveland Hall.