
What is Baptism?

The sacrament of baptism is the rite of incorporation into the community and care of the Church. It symbolizes the cleansing forgiveness that is ours through Jesus and reminds us that God’s love is a gift, freely offered to all who will receive it.

Who can be Baptized at Plymouth Church?

In the United Church of Christ, people are baptized either as infants, children or adults. At Plymouth, our ministers baptize by sprinkling water from the baptismal font. When we baptize infants and small children, we emphasize that God’s love comes before any conscious response on our part. The congregation offers its understanding and support to the child and promises to join the parents in showing God’s love for all. When adults are baptized, we emphasize that faith also requires a response of commitment on the part of those who choose to be followers of Christ.

If you’re interested in baptism, please fill out our baptism form and our Administrative Assistant, Daniel Schott will contact you.