Worship at Plymouth
Worship at Plymouth Church nourishes your mind as well as your soul. Whether you opt for casual Saturday night worship, a family-oriented service, a more traditional Sunday services, or a combination of both, you’ll experience extravagant welcome, choirs and musicians that lift your spirit, and invite you to grow in love of God, neighbor and creation.
Sunday Morning Worship
Join us in our Sanctuary at 9 a.m. or 11 a.m. on Sunday morning for Scripture, beautiful music and inspiring sermons. All are welcome to worship!
Childcare is available for families at Plymouth during Sunday worship.
Saturday Evening Worship
Each week we gather at 5 p.m. in Waveland Hall for this come-as-you-are service that includes a live band, communion, Scripture, and a sermon. Attendees are seated around tables to invite conversation and encourage community.
Join us for Forum during the Summer on Sunday at 11:10 a.m. in the Greenwood Room. Church staff or a guest speaker facilitate weekly conversation about God, life, and whatever happens to come up! Learn more.
Our Sunday morning worship service is streamed live each week. The latest Sunday worship service is below. If you’d like to watch a previous service, visit and subscribe to our Youtube channel. Download our recent worship service bulletins here.