Congregational Care
Congregational Care at Plymouth Church
Congregational Care at Plymouth Church is rooted in our desire to follow the example of Jesus by creating opportunities to eat, pray, play, journey, laugh, cry and live meaningful lives together. Below are the list of various groups that meet weekly, monthly and seasonally. All are welcome to participate in the life of Plymouth Church!
The AMENS group of men gather online to discuss chosen books. AMENS meets Tuesday at 7 a.m. Contact: Cecilg2@gmail.com for more information
Adult Basketball
Yes, we have Adult Basketball at Plymouth! Join us in the gym at Plymouth usually October-April at 8 p.m. on Thursday evenings for friendly basketball competition. We can play 4 on 4 full court games with enough players.
Cancer Support Group
The Plymouth Cancer Support Group offers an atmosphere of openness, the type that exists in a caring family where trust and honesty is abundant, where challenges and joys are embraced. All are welcome regardless of when you received your diagnosis, if you are a cancer patient or caregiver, if you are actively going through tests and treatments, or if you have been a cancer survivor for years. Meets every other Thursday evening virtually.
Faithful Readers
The Faithful Readers group chooses a book to read each month. The group meets on the 4th Thursday of every month at Plymouth to discuss the month’s selection and share in a community of friendship. Learn more.
Flower Delivery Team
The Flower Delivery Team is a mighty group of 10-12 dedicated individuals who help separate flowers from the altar into smaller bouquets that are delivered to individuals in their home, care facility or hospital. Learn more.
Funeral Reception Team
The Funeral Reception Team works with the Pastoral staff to supports individuals and families who are planning a funeral reception at Plymouth. The Team recruits bakers and also serves and hosts funeral receptions. Learn more.
Grief Support Group
Losing a loved one is at the top of the list when it comes to emotional challenges that arise in one’s life. The need to find a safe place to tell the story continues long after the services and paperwork are done. Recognizing this, Stephen Ministry has been facilitating a Grief Group and those who have suffered a bereavement are welcome to join. Meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month.
Radical Health & Hospitality Committee
The Radical Health and Hospitality Committee is working with many of Plymouth’s Boards and Committees to identify new and different programs and activities that can be offered to intergenerational groups. The Radical Health and Hospitality committee meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 2 p.m. at Plymouth.
Line Dancing
The Line Dancing group meets every Monday from 3-4 p.m. in the Gym at Plymouth.
Gather with Plymouth friends to learn and play Mahjong. Meeting days and times will be determined with input from the group, likely on Wednesdays at Plymouth. New and experiences players welcome. Contact: bburnsdemo@gmail.com
Men’s Lunch Group
Plymouth Men are invited to have lunch on the second Thursday of each month. Bring your own meal and we’ll discuss what’s going on at Plymouth, and in our community, state and beyond. Contact: fredmaharry@gmail.com
You’ll find a lively group playing Pickleball on Tuesdays from 3 - 5 p.m. in Plymouth’s gym. All are welcome!
Prayer Chain
One of the gifts of belonging to the Plymouth Church community is the prayer and care that we give and receive. Plymouth’s Prayer Chain is published weekly on Wednesday. Click here to make an online request.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry gathers every Tuesday evening from 5 - 6:30 p.m. at Plymouth to knit prayer shawls for those in need of comfort and encouragement. We have yarn and knitting needles, but you are welcome to bring your own.
Quilting Ministry
Join the Quilting Ministry on Mondays from 1 - 3 p.m. at Plymouth. No sewing or quilting experience needed! The group produces 50-60 quilts each year. Quilts are distributed to many community organizations including: Sleep in Heavenly Peace and Central Iowa Shelter and Services.
Wisdom Walks
Women of different ages and backgrounds gather to walk and talk on the 1st Monday and the 3rd Saturday to walk about 3 miles and discuss a question posed by the leader. Learn more.
80 & Energetic
This group for men and women 80 years of age and older. The group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The group periodically has special events and speakers.
9 to Dine
Nine to Dine was established more than 35 years ago as a small-group endeavor to help members get to know one another on a more personal level. Each group is comprised of about nine people and typically meets from October through June, with some groups continuing to meet throughout the summer.