Plymouth Church Foundation
Plymouth Church Foundation: “A Legacy of Caring and Sharing”
The Plymouth Church Foundation accepts contributions from caring supporters and shares the earnings generated by these gifts with others in the Plymouth family—often creating new, and unimagined futures. Since 1979, grants totaling more than $4 million have provided needed catalysts for projects, programs and ministries not budgeted for through general fund giving.
Often times grant requests often exceed funds available. As a result the Plymouth Foundation deeply appreciates every contribution received. We invite you to make a lasting contribution—leaving your legacy—to Plymouth Church and the Plymouth family. Please scroll down to read more about how you can support our ministries.
Seeking a Grant
Plymouth Foundation awards grants twice annually to provide a needed catalyst for significant ministries, projects or programs endorsed or sanctioned and requested by an official board or committee of the Church. Grants are funded for one year unless otherwise noted in the initial grant application. Renewed funding is not automatic. Click here to read our grant policies.
How and When to Apply
Eligible boards and committees should complete a grant application, and email the form to Grant Committee Chair, Libby Jacobs. The Foundation board will review the grant request and will get back to the submitting board or committee as soon as possible.
There are two deadlines for grant applications each year:
Request due: April 1
Awarded: May 1Request due: Oct. 1
Awarded: Nov. 1
The Foundation’s Finance and Investment Committee, with the guidance of professional investment advisors, manages Foundation assets and ensures adherence to the Foundation’s investment policies.
Foundation total assets as of December 31, 2023: $9,395,852.69*
Value of competitive grants awarded in 2023: $8,300
Value of strategic grants awarded in 2023: $215,299
(*$2,236,255 is in a restricted account for support of the Transition into Ministry (TiM) program
Leave A Legacy Through The Foundation
Many generous donors have made Plymouth Church a part of their legacy through contributions made to the Plymouth Church Foundation. These contributions significantly increase the Foundation’s ability to support catalytic projects, programs and ministries. By sharing your resources, your gift will be pooled with other caring supporters to create a vibrant future for the Church. Contributions can be made during your lifetime, or through a planned gift. We accept a variety of assets:
Stocks and Bonds
Retirement Assets
Life Insurance Policies
Real Estate
Charitable Trusts
Tangible Personal Property
You can also leave legacy and estate gift through one of the following:
Living Trusts
Retirement Plans Designations
Contingent provisions in any of the above estate documents
Please consult with your tax/legal advisor to learn more about these planned giving opportunities and how they would affect your personal situation. If you have questions, you may contact Senior Pastor Jared Wortman or Director of Finance Jim Denman.
Previous Grants
Foundation grants have helped breathe life into several ongoing programs like TiM, Stephen Ministries, Stepping Stones, and many current and past capital projects and programs. Grants helped fund a fire and safety detection system for the sanctuary, restoration of Plymouth’s landmark bell tower, summer intern programs, Faith Forward and “God is Still Speaking” campaigns and more. Following is a partial list of grants awarded to provide needed catalysts for other projects, programs and ministries at Plymouth. Check out some recent Foundation grant awards that show the diversity and impact of that support.