Church Governance
Plymouth Church Governance
Our congregation is governed by our Church Council. It comprises two representatives from each of the 10 boards at Plymouth, a member at large, and our Moderator and Moderator-elect, who act as the chair and chair-elect of the congregation. Ministers and other members of the program staff are non-voting members of Church Council. Each congregation in the United Church of Christ is self-governed, and we operate according to our Plymouth Church by-laws. The work of our congregation is summarized each year in our Annual Report.
Moderator: Darrel Mullins
Moderator-Elect: Rachel Boon
Mission: Executive Committee members represent the interests of Plymouth’s full congregation as expressed in its mission and strategic plan.
Moderator: Darrel Mullins
Moderator-Elect: Rachel Boon
Past Moderator: Pam Duffy
Member-at-Large: Sid Ramsey
Board of Deacons: Christine Woods
Board of Membership: Elaine Van Dyck
Board of Trustees: Wade Dewald
Senior Pastor: Jared Wortman
Mission: It shall be the duty of this board to: supervise, promote and interpret the benevolence activities of this Church; promote representation of Church members in decision-making bodies of the denominational and ecumenical agencies to which funds are given; and advise the Board of Trustees in the most effective use of benevolence resources by presenting a budget at the time designated by the Board of Trustees.
Benevolence: The disposition to do good; good will kindness; charitableness; the love, of mankind, accompanied with a desire to promote their happiness.
Chair: Randy Breese
Vice Chair: Jim Ferguson
Secretary: Janie Wine
Members: Dave Everett, Marilyn Stone, Thomas Webb, Jane Hemminger, Matt McCoy, Tom Drake, Melinda Collins
Mission: It shall be the duty of this board to: recruit, train and place the volunteer Christian Education staff; establish Christian Education curriculum and procure necessary material and equipment; establish and execute programs of activities for various groups of young people and adults; and have general supervision of those auxiliary education programs which serve the community and are sponsored by the Church.
Chair: Rachel Bruns
Vice Chair: Heather Groben
Secretary: Alice Fuglsang
Members: Tracy Codel, Jen Fox, Heather Groben, Joe Hotek, Emily Leder, Kevin McLean, Alice Fuglsang, Emily Zambrano-Andrews, Jennie Knoebel, Michelle Barker, Kyle Smith
Mission: The Board of Christian Social Action grows in love of God and neighbor by exploring the relationship between our Christian faith and contemporary social issues, stimulating dialogues, and initiating and inviting action in response to Christ’s teachings of compassion for others within Plymouth Church and beyond.
Chair: Erin Riker
Vice Chair: George Dorsey
Secretary: Marti West
Members: Holly Craiger, Mary Nelson, Scott Morrison, Jen Jensen, Brian Leckrone, Virginia Traxler, Karen Barnhizer, Emily Chafa, Nathan Shores, Jean Stuit
Mission: To assist all members and friends of Plymouth Church in understanding the principles of Christian stewardship; encourage all members and friends of the congregation in their growing commitment to the practices of Christian stewardship; develop an ongoing program to receive statements of intention (pledges) to provide financial support for the ministry and mission of the Church; review the manner in which persons fulfill their stated intentions, responding where deemed appropriate; and maintain a channel of communication with other boards and committees to assure an effective stewardship emphasis.
Chair: Deb Ledesma
Vice Chair: David Johnson
Secretary: Sandee Lyons
Members: Robb Hill, Alissa McKinney, Lee Konfrst, Chuck Offenburger, Emily Abbas, Barbi Hamor, Maggie Tillman, Cindy Adams
Mission: to assist Plymouth members and friends to grow in our capacity to love God and one another. Looking to follow the example of Jesus, the Board of Congregational Care will focus on opportunities for Plymouth to eat, pray, play, journey, laugh, cry and live meaningful lives together.
Chair: Mary O'Brien
Vice Chair: Jodi Gruening
Secretary: Mary Ann Beard
Members: Tom Preisser, Chris Lewis, Georgia Sheriff, Jon Merkle, Jackie Seymour
Mission: It shall be the duty of this board to assist the ministers in ministering to the spiritual interests of the church and community. They shall, with the ministers, have charge of the religious activities of the church, except as otherwise expressly provided in these Bylaws; assist in the preparation and administration of the sacraments, and in caring for the poor, the sick, the sorrowing and the stranger. They shall provide for the Church services in the absence of the minister, and shall provide for the temporary supply of the pulpit, the compensation to be determined by the Board of Trustees. They shall receive the open collections; and shall appoint the ushers. They shall perform the duties relative to the office of the Senior Minister.
Chair: Christine Woods
Vice Chair: Perry Klein
Secretary: Lucy Anderson
Members: Barb Adams, John Bunz, Becky Cady, Adam Danielson, David Isch, Anita Lindfield, Lorenzo Sandoval, Dixie Hoekman, Betty Fosburgh, Jeff Grimes, Norma Hirsch, Perry Klein, Kalya Kothavale, Sharon Lahn, Susan Pohl, Karen Ross, Carol Sieck, Craig Shives, Lois DeWaard, Eric Hyde, Lisa Kamphuis, Jim Pierson, Karen Rasmussen, Carolyn Sabroske, Jackie Saunders
Mission: The Board of Membership will promote the welcoming nature of Plymouth Church in the community; encourage, recruit, integrate, and instruct prospective and new members on the life and opportunities provided by membership and to encourage participation in church activities; assist in the growth of Plymouth membership by facilitating, initiating, and supporting opportunities for all persons who wish to join Plymouth; to provide opportunities for caring and support of members and the community.
Chair: Elaine Van Dyck
Vice Chair: Lori Brinkley
Secretary: Taylor Crawley
Members: Darin Johnson, Kathleen Murrin, Heidi Janecke, David Kidder, Lorraine May, Diane Graham, Ann Hoeppner, Luke Bowers
Mission: To develop, organize, promote and evaluate a comprehensive program of music and arts to provide an integral contribution to the overall mission of the church; provide music and art for the worship services of this church; and foster spiritual growth and enrichment of the Plymouth membership through music and the arts.
Chair: Elizabeth Belden
Vice Chair: Jason Crowley
Secretary: Carol Stratemeyer
Members: Cynthia Bahls, Caroline Peterson, Mark Gruber, Susan Lees, Melissa Johnson, Cynthia Mercati, Nancy Cobb, Ben Kleene, Sarah Parrot
Mission: Plan, implement, and encourage diverse opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, and faith formation for adults. The board will maintain Plymouth’s library.
Chair: Anna Osborn
Vice Chair: Kristen Boldt
Secretary: Joy Wilhelm
Members: Cheryl Sypal, Don Worrell, Rick Miller, Bonnie Green, Shari Simmons, Emily Johnson
Mission: It shall be the duty of this board to: have charge of the property of the Church and manage its financial, business and contractual affairs; establish compensation for all employees, based on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee, prepare and submit to the Church Council, for approval or amendment, a budget of the estimated revenues and expenses of the Church; provide for an annual audit of the Church’s financial records, elect the treasurer of the Church as provided in Article VII, Section 5; supervise matters pertaining to insurance; designate the depository for Church funds; and act on fundraising requests as provided in Article VIII Section 1(i).
Chair: Wade DeWald
Vice Chair: Chuck Smith
Secretary: Irene Hardisty
Members: Jay Eaton, Dick Swanson, Linda Sullivan, Jim Green, Sally Pedersen, Jack Porter, Dick Jones, Tim McCulloh
Mission: The Foundation was formed in 1979 for the purpose of soliciting and accepting “contributions, gifts, funds, devices and bequests of personal or real property which along with the income therefrom, shall be held, administered, and expended exclusively for the use and direct benefit of Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ and the furtherance of its purposes.”
President: Spencer Cady
Secretary: Mickey Carlson
Treasurer: Ted Oberlander
Members: Jan Burch, Bob Burnett, Dave Vaudt, Brian Pattinson, Beech Turner
Grant Committee Chair: Libby Jacobs
Investment Committee Chair: Nora Everett
Investment Committee: Adam Claypool, Franklin Model, Steve Jacobs, Laura Meier, Dick Swanson