Easter Special Offering

Now is the time for you to invite Des Moines area non-profit organizations to apply for the Easter Special Offering cash gifts. These are modest gifts, where the amount gifted depends on the total Easter collection and typically ranges from $1,000 to $5,500. This one-time gift requires a report back to Plymouth’s Board of Benevolences upon utilization of the funds, but no later than six months following receipt. The report should include the impact of the awarded gift and quantify persons served.

As a Just Peace Church, the Board of Benevolences seeks grant applications from non-profit organizations for projects that identify a need that will facilitate social, economic or climate justice. The application period continues through Monday, March 10.

Click here for the online application form.

Questions may be directed to the Plymouth Special Offering Committee (plymouth.special.offering@gmail.com).


Jan. 30: Lunch & Learn, Meet our new TiM!


AMOS Organizing for Justice Training