Plymouth Scholarship Applications Now Open!
It's Plymouth Scholarship Season!
We are asking for your help in spreading the word! The deadline for applications is April 15.
Plymouth awards scholarships to High School Seniors and College Students. The source of our scholarship money is two-fold: interest earned on the Plymouth Scholarship Fund (gifted by the estates of several Plymouth members), and profits from our annual Nut Sale.
College Student Application
Students who have been accepted into an accredited educational institution as a college junior, senior, or graduate student, preparing for a career of service others, are strongly encouraged to apply! Previous awardees have been preparing for various medical fields, social work, teaching, the ministry, community development, juvenile justice, and more. This year’s scholarships for college/grad students will be a minimum $1500 each.
Click here to download the application for college/graduate students
Plymouth High School Senior Scholarships
This award is given each year to two or more outstanding high school seniors who have been actively involved in the life of Plymouth Church. As both participants and leaders, they have learned from their experiences and have also given back to Plymouth through their involvement. These grants are intended for buying books, art materials, musical instruments, or other special equipment which will further the student’s post-secondary education. Students selected for these scholarships will be awarded $750.00 each in a special presentation during worship on Sunday, May 18
Click here to apply for Plymouth’s High School Scholarship
The deadline for applications is April 15
Questions regarding scholarship applications can be directed to Scholarship Committee chair, Meg Smith,