Join Plymouth’s Artists Circle!
Artists Circle is a monthly gathering for artists at Plymouth and in the Des Moines area in which we share and create together, living into our callings as creative people made in the image of a creative God. We meet on the third Sunday of every month from 6-8pm at Plymouth Church.
Painters, poets, playwrights, photographers, thespians, dancers, musicians, songwriters, composers, graphic artists, filmmakers, quilters, crochet mavens, shower singers, doodlers, scribblers, drabblers... if you make something, you're welcome here. And no, you don't need to be a professional artist! Though, if you are, that's super cool. Artists of all ages welcome.
Each meeting of Artists Circle includes a time to share original work, and time to create on the spot, responding to the creativity of our peers by bringing new work into the world.
What you need to bring:
1) a piece of original work to share with the group, in any medium;
2) whatever means you need to create in your chosen medium: an instrument, your paints, camera, paper, laptop, etc. That's it!
Have questions? Email Pastor Luke! (