Plymouth Foundation Grants Applications Now Open
Plymouth Church boards and committees are welcome to apply for a competitive grant from the Plymouth Church Foundation. The 2025 grant program consists of two funding cycles. This first round is now open with grant applications due no later than April 1. The second round for applications has a deadline of October 1.
Competitive grants provide funding opportunities for Plymouth boards and committees seeking support for programs and projects not currently in the church’s normal operating budget. The available funding is limited with a total grant pool of $10,000 for this year. The Plymouth Foundation board of directors reviews all grant requests and determines which grants may receive funding.
Numerous Plymouth Church programs have benefited from the competitive grant program. Some recent grants have provided funding for the Pridefest celebration, the Welcoming Refugees initiative, and replacing choir music folders to name a few.
More information about the grant program, including the competitive grant application, may be found here: Plymouth Foundation Grant Program
Plymouth Church Foundation
As 2025 unfolds, please consider making a gift to the Plymouth Church Foundation. The Foundation has a long legacy of supporting the church and its ministries. Gifts and bequests from Plymouth members through the years have made that possible, and those and future gifts have never been more important.
Your gift or bequest helps secure the Foundation’s ability to support catalytic projects, programs, and ministries. In recent years Foundation grants have also helped the church address several important building and physical plant needs.
Often times grant requests from Plymouth boards and committees exceed funds available, and the Foundation deeply appreciates every contribution received. Your gift along with gifts of others create new and unimagined futures for Plymouth and the community. If you would like more information about supporting the Foundation, contact Senior Pastor Jared Wortman (