Lent & Holy Week 2025

New Banners for Lent made by Chancel Arts

Our Chancel Arts committee designed, created, and installed new Lenten banners for our Sanctuary. This entire process took several hours! We're blessed to have such a talented group of artists! Click here for behind the scenes photos of the process.

Exploring Faith Lenten Book Study

Exploring Faith is a space for people who want to spend time together learning more about the foundations of Christian discipleship and formation, convened by the pastors at Plymouth Church. Click here for more details.

Anti-Racism Committee Lenten Book Study

Lent is a time when people often take on spiritual disciplines as a way of growing closer to God. You are invited to participate in conversations around anti-racism to grow in love of God and neighbor as part of your Lenten journey. Click here for more details.

Easter Flower Order

Each year, flowers beautify the church and sanctuary during Holy Week. We offer flowers to be purchased in memory of loved ones, or in celebration of someone or something meaningful to you. The complete list will be published Easter weekend. Orders must be placed by Monday, April 14 at 12 p.m. Click here for more details.


Palm Sunday | April 13

9 a.m. | Singing Church Sunday
Join the K-12 singing choirs for Singing Church Sunday and Palm Sunday at 9 a.m. worship. After a Palm Sunday parade entrance to worship, the Children’s Choirs, Soul Singers and Matins will lead worship through scripture and song as they explore themes of love. These choirs have lived out their love of God and others through song and are eager to share their gifts in worship together with our Plymouth community. Don’t miss this wonderful service!

11 a.m. | Chancel Choir and Orchestra present “Illuminare” by Elaine Hagenberg
Join the Chancel Choir and orchestra on Palm Sunday as they present “llluminare” by Des Moines composer Elaine Hagenberg. This extended work, consisting of five-movements for chorus and chamber orchestra incorporates lesser-known sacred Latin texts as it takes us through a season of beauty and goodness that has been disrupted by darkness and confusion. But as Light gradually returns, hope is restored, illuminating our future and guiding us in peace.

Stations of the Cross | April 13-20

Experience the Stations of the Cross in the 3rd floor hallway (near the Matins robe room and staff offices) with a self-guided tour. These stations are available at any time during office hours.

Maundy Thursday | April 17

Maundy Thursday Dinner at 6 p.m. in Waveland Hall − Registration for this dinner is required, more details to come

Maundy Thursday Service at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Good Friday | April 18

Walk the Labyrinth from 12-9:30 p.m. in Waveland Hall

Good Friday Service at 7:30 p.m.

Holy Saturday | April 19

Walk the Labyrinth from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Waveland Hall

Family Easter Egg Hunt from 2 – 4 p.m. on the lawn. Join us for games, prizes, and fun family fellowship!

Easter Vigil Service at 5 p.m. in Waveland Hall

Easter Sunday | April 20

Sunrise Service at 6:15 a.m. in the Memorial Garden

Easter Service at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Celebrate the risen Christ and life restored at our Easter Sunday worship services. Our Matins and Soul Singers will sing at the 9 a.m. service, Chancel Choir will sing at 11 a.m. Plymouth Brass will take part in both worship services.


Exploring Faith, 2025 Lent Study


Anti-Racism Committee Lenten Book Study